

Automatic Installation

Using the CLI is now the easiest way to start a HeroUI project. You can initialize your project and add components directly via the CLI:


Execute one of the following commands in your terminal:

Initialization and Starting the App

Initialize the project by using the init command.

You will be prompted to configure your project:

Install the dependencies to start the local server:

Start the local server:

Adding the Components

Once your HeroUI project is ready to develop, you can add individual components using the CLI. For example, to add a button component:

This command adds the Button component to your project and manages all related dependencies.

You can also add multiple components at once:

Or you can add the main library @heroui/react by running the following command:

If you leave out the component name, the CLI will prompt you to select the components you want to add.

Manual Installation

If you prefer not to use the CLI, you may try either global installation or individual installation to set up HeroUI in your project:

Global Installation

The easiest way to get started with HeroUI is to use the global installation, which means that all the components are imported from a single package.

Follow the steps below to install all HeroUI components:

Install Packages

To install HeroUI, run one of the following commands in your terminal:

Hoisted Dependencies Setup

Note: This step is only for those who use pnpm to install. If you install HeroUI using other package managers, you may skip this step.

If you are using pnpm, you need to add the following line to your .npmrc file to hoist our packages to the root node_modules.

After modifying the .npmrc file, you need to run pnpm install again to ensure that the dependencies are installed correctly.

Tailwind CSS Setup

HeroUI is built on top of Tailwind CSS, so you need to install Tailwind CSS first. You can follow the official installation guide to install Tailwind CSS. Then you need to add the following code to your tailwind.config.js file:

Note: If you are using pnpm and monorepo architecture, please make sure you are pointing to the ROOT node_modules

Provider Setup

It is essential to add the HeroUIProvider at the root of your application.

Individual Installation

HeroUI is also available as individual packages. You can install each package separately. This is useful if you want to reduce the size of your CSS bundle as it will only include styles for the components you're actually using.

Note: JavaScript bundle size will not change due to tree shaking support in HeroUI.

Follow the steps below to install each package separately:

Install Core Packages

Although you can install each package separately, you need to install the core packages first to ensure that all components work correctly.

Run one of the following commands in your terminal to install the core packages:

Install Component

Now, let's install the component you want to use. For example, if you want to use the Button component, you need to run one of the following commands in your terminal:

Hoisted Dependencies Setup

Note: This step is only for those who use pnpm to install. If you install HeroUI using other package managers, you may skip this step.

If you are using pnpm, you need to add the following line to your .npmrc file to hoist our packages to the root node_modules.

After modifying the .npmrc file, you need to run pnpm install again to ensure that the dependencies are installed correctly.

Tailwind CSS Setup

TailwindCSS setup changes a bit when you use individual packages. You only need to add the styles of the components you're using to your tailwind.config.js file. For example, for the Button component, you need to add the following code to your tailwind.config.js file:

Provider Setup

It is essential to add the HeroUIProvider at the root of your application.

Use the Component

Now, you can use the component you installed in your application:

Version 2 is only compatible with React 18 or later. If you are using React 17 or earlier, please use version 1 of HeroUI.

Framework Guides

HeroUI is compatible with your preferred framework. We have compiled comprehensive, step-by-step tutorials for the following frameworks: