Override styles

Overriding default component styles is as simple as passing your own class names to the className or to the classNames prop for components with slots.

What is a Slot?

A slot is a part of a component that can be styled separately using the classNames prop. For example, the CircularProgress component has slots like track, indicator, and value that can each be styled independently.

Overriding a component

Let's override the default styles of the Button component, which is a component that has no slots.

Components with slots

Some HeroUI components have slots that can be styled individually using the classNames prop. The CircularProgress component has the following slots:

  • base: The base slot of the circular progress, it is the main container.
  • svgWrapper: The wrapper of the svg circles and the value label.
  • svg: The svg element of the circles.
  • track: The track is the background circle of the circular progress.
  • indicator: The indicator is the one that is filled according to the value.
  • value: The value content.
  • label: The label content.

The example below demonstrates styling these slots to create a custom circular progress:

Note: You will find a Slots section in the documentation of each component that has slots.

CSS Modules

CSS Modules allow for the creation of local scope classes and variables. Here's how you can use it to override styles:

With the corresponding CSS module:


If you are using a CSS-in-JS library such as styled-components or emotion, you can use the following example to override the styles of a component:

Each styled component combines the original component styles with custom styles defined in the template strings. The StyledCircularProgress uses .attrs to add classNames.